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Walter Carzan

Born in palermo, since childhood living in the very sensitive audiophile world of the 70s and 80s. In 1995 completed his university studies earning a degree in architecture and design. Thereafter he devoted himself exclusively to the design and manufacturing techniques of wooden products. Actively participates in the presentation of the first cnc machines centers that are produced in Italy.

Silvia Russo

Architect and designer is specialised in online communication and the graphic design of audel projects.

The added value of her attention for design and photographic skills are an expression of her discerning eye and perceptive sensitivity. 

Marco Viscuso

Head  of production and quality control  phases. Marco collaborates  with Audel  team since long  and offers his decisive experience to obtain the absolute quality.

Expert craftsman, he  has been supporting  Audel project, in particular, in order to obtain an excellent  and  long lasting wax finish.



Davide Ballo

The goal of this electronic engineer and palermo native is to establish new ideas supported by complex and decisive scientific theories. Notwithstanding his young age, he has accumulated remarkable experience and know-how in the audio sector. david ballo is certainly one of our most valued creators and highly responsible for the success of audel products which have already been awarded by international critics.


audel musical excellence from Italy

Audel di Walter Carzan C.F. CRZ WTR 70C24 G273A - P.I. IT 06838380829

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